Friday, April 5, 2013

DNA Delight by Robski

While driving down 9th Avenue the other day I saw the truck in the picture below and thought to myself YES! New York City really does have everything

When I saw the words "DNA" on the side of the truck I thought to myself what a brilliant idea for a food truck in the gay friendly section of Hells Kitchen. I thought the queens of Hells Kitchen will certainly make this business venture a huge success. I was picturing gay men lining up around the block like people did in the 90s for soup from the Soup Nazi. Since I was driving I couldn't investigate the truck up close but I assumed the boys probably walked up to a hole on the side of the truck and ordered off the menu which I assumed would offer everything from North and South American to Indian to Zimbabwean  then dispensed the hot lunch of their choice. 

It was only after my mind had wandered the traffic light turned green the cars moved then driving by I could see the paternity and testing written on the truck. With this disappointment my mind wandered again and I thought does Maury know some over rated taxi driver is encroaching on his niche market? Maybe they could put camera's inside the DNA truck then film the results with Maury there. What a great idea for an exciting new spinoff series, think of the random people wanting to use this trucks services. Then have Maury waiting inside with cameras Chris Hanson style it's the perfect blend for some fantastic trashy TV. 

Maury & The DNA Truck are two great tastes that have to taste great together, we could call the show Cum Cab! No that just makes me think of lunch again, never mind.